User Guide

In this part of the guide, we show a simple example of using a Scythe extractor and discuss the full functionality of an extractor.

Installing Scythe (for users)

Installing Scythe should be as easy as a single pip command. Assuming you have a version of Python that is 3.8 or higher, running:

pip install scythe-extractors

Should get the basics of Scythe installed. By default however, only a small subset of extractors will be installed (this is done so you do not need to install all the dependencies of extractors you may never use). To install additional extractors, you can specify “extras” at install time using the [...] syntax for pip. For example, if you want to install all the extractors bundled with Scythe (and their dependencies), run:

pip install pip install scythe-extractors[all]

This will pull in many more packages, but also enable as many extractors as possible. Check the list under [tool.poetry.extras] in pyproject.toml to see all the options you can specify in the brackets of the pip install command.

Discovering an extractor

Scythe uses stevedore to manage a collection of extractors, and has a utility function for listing available extractors:

from scythe.utils.interface import get_available_extractors

This snippet will print a dictionary of extractors installed on your system. Both extractors that are part of the Scythe base package and those defined by other packages will be included in this list.

Simple Interface

The methods in scythe.utils.interface are useful for most applications. As an example, we illustrate the use of scythe.file.GenericFileExtractor, which is available through the 'generic' extractor plugin:

from scythe.utils.interface import execute_extractor
print(execute_extractor('generic', ['pyproject.toml']))

The above snippet creates the extractor object and runs it on a file named pyproject.toml. Run in the root directory of the Scythe, it would produce output similar to the following, likely with a different sha512 value if the contents of that file have changed since this documentation was written:

    "data_type": "ASCII text",
    "filename": "pyproject.toml",
    "length": 2421,
    "mime_type": "text/plain",
    "path": "pyproject.toml",
    "sha512": "a7eb382c4a3e6cf469656453f9ff2e3c1ac2c02c9c2ba31c3d569a09883e2b2471801c39125dafb7c13bfcaf9cf6afbab92afa4c053c0c93a4c8c59acad1b85b"

The other pre-built parsing function provides the ability to run all extractors on all files in a directory:

from scythe.utils.interface import run_all_extractors
gen = run_all_extractors('.')
for record in gen:

A third route for using scythe is to employ the get_extractor operation to access a specific extractor, and then use its class interface (described below):

from scythe.utils.interface import get_extractor
extractor = get_extractor('generic')
gen = extractor.parse_directory('.')
for record in gen:

Advanced Usage: Adding Context

The function interface for Scythe supports using “context” and “adapters” to provide additional information Scythe into Applications <#id1>`_. Here, we describe the purpose of context and how to use it in our interface.

Context is information about the data held in a file that is not contained within the file itself . Examples include human-friendly descriptions of columns names or which values actually represent a missing measurement in tabular data file (e.g., CSV files). A limited number of extractors support context and this information can be provided via the execute_extractor function:

execute_extractor('csv', 'tests/data/test.csv', context={'na_values': ['N/A']})

The types of context information used by an extractor, if any, is described in the documentation for each extractor.

The run_all_extractors_on_directory function has several options for providing context to the extractors. These options include specifying “global context” to be passed to every extractor or adapter and ways of limiting the metadata to specific extractors. See scythe.utils.interface.run_all_extractors_on_directory() for further details on the syntax for this command.


Context is still an experimental feature and APIs are subject to change

Class Interface

The class API of extractors provide access to more detailed features of individual extractors. The functionality of an extractor is broken into several simple operations.

Initializing an extractor

The first step to using an extractor is to initialize it. Most extractors do not have any options for the initializer, so you can create them with:

extractor = Extractor()

Some extractors require configuration options that define how the extractor runs, such as the location of a non-Python executable.

Parsing Method

The main operation for any extractor is the data extraction operation: parse.

In most cases, the parse operation takes the path to a file and and returns a summary of the data the file holds:

metadata = extractor.parse(['/my/file'])

Some extractors take multiple files that describe the same object (e.g., the input and output files of a simulation) and use them to generate a single metadata record:

metadata = extractor.parse(['/my/', '/my/file.out'])

The grouping method for these extractors provides logic to identify groups of related files.

Some extractors also can use information that is not contained within the file themselves, which can be provided to the extractor as a “context”:

metadata = extractor.parse(['/my/file1'], context={'headers': {'temp': 'temperature'}})

The documentation for the extractor should indicate valid types of context information.

Grouping Files

Extractors also provide the ability to quickly find groups of associated files: group. The group operation takes path or list of files and, optionally, directories and generates a list of files that should be treated together when parsing:['input.file', 'output.file', 'unrelated']) # -> [('input.file', 'output.file'), ('unrelated',)]

Parsing Entire Directories

scythe also provides a utility operation to parse all groups of valid files in a directory:

metadata = list(extractor.parse_directory('.'))

parse_directory is a generator function, so we use list here to turn the output into a list format.

Attribution Functions

Two functions, citations and implementors, are available to determine who contirbuted a extractor. implementors returns the list of people who created an extractor, who are likely the points-of-contact for support. citations indicates if any publications are available that describe the underlying methods and should be reference in scientific articles.

Full Extractor API

The full API for the extractors are described as a Python abstract class:

class scythe.base.BaseExtractor[source]

Abstract base class for a metadata extractor

This class defines the interface for all extractors in Scythe. Each new extractor must implement the parse(), version(), and implementors() functions. The group() method should be overridden to generate smart groups of file (e.g., associating the inputs and outputs to the same calculation) citations() can be used if there are papers that should be cited if the extractor is used as part of a scientific publication.

See the Scythe Contributor Guide for further details.

identify_files(path: str, context: dict | None = None) Iterator[Tuple[str]][source]

Identify all groups of files likely to be compatible with this extractor

Uses the group() function to determine groups of files that should be parsed together.

  • path (str) – Root of directory to group together

  • context (dict) – Context about the files


([str]) Groups of eligible files

extract_directory(path: str, context: dict | None = None) Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[str], dict]][source]

Run extractor on all appropriate files in a directory

Skips files that throw exceptions while parsing

  • path (str) – Root of directory to extract metadata from

  • context (dict) – Context about the files


([str], dict) – Tuple of the group identity and the metadata unit

abstract extract(group: Iterable[str], context: dict | None = None) dict[source]

Extract metadata from a group of files

A group of files is a set of 1 or more files that describe the same object and will be used together to create a single metadata record.

  • group ([str]) – A list of one or more files that should be parsed together

  • context (dict) – Context about the files


The parsed results, in JSON-serializable format.

Return type:


group(files: str | List[str], directories: List[str] | None = None, context: dict | None = None) Iterator[Tuple[str, ...]][source]

Identify a groups of files and directories that should be parsed together

Will create groups using only the files and directories included as input.

The files of files are _all_ files that could be read by this extractor, which may include many false positives.

  • files (str or [str]) – List of files to consider grouping

  • directories ([str]) – Any directories to consider group as well

  • context (dict) – Context about the files


((str)) – Groups of files

citations() List[str][source]

Citation(s) and reference(s) for this extractor


each element should be a string citation in BibTeX format

Return type:


abstract implementors() List[str][source]

List of implementors of the extractor

These people are the points-of-contact for addressing errors or modifying the extractor


List of implementors in the form “FirstName LastName <email@provider>”

Return type:


abstract version() str[source]

Return the version of the extractor


Version of the extractor

Return type:


property schema: dict

Schema for the output of the extractor

Integrating Scythe into Applications

Scythe is designed to create a documented, JSON-format version of scientific files, but these files might not yet be in a form useful for your application. We recommend an “adapter” approach to post-process these “generic JSON” files that can actually be used for your application.


The BaseAdapter class defines the interface for all adapters.

class scythe.adapters.base.BaseAdapter[source]

Template for tools that transform metadata into a new form

abstract transform(metadata: dict, context: None | dict = None) Any[source]

Process metadata into a new form

  • metadata (dict) – Metadata to transform

  • context (dict) – Any context information used during transformation


Metadata in a new form, can be any type of object. None corresponding

check_compatibility(parser: BaseExtractor) bool[source]

Evaluate whether an adapter is compatible with a certain parser


parser (BaseExtractor) – Parser to evaluate


(bool) Whether this parser is compatible

version() None | str[source]

Version of the parser that an adapter was created for


(str) Version of parser this adapter was designed for,

or None if not applicable

Adapters must fulfill a single operation, transform, which renders metadata from one of the Scythe extractors into a new form. There are no restrictions on the output for this function, except that None indicates that there is no valid transformation for an object.

The check_compatibility and version method provide a route for marking which versions of an extractor are compatible with an adapter. scythe uses the version in utility operations to provide warnings to users about when an adapter is out-of-date.

Using Adapters

The same utility operations described above support using adapters. The execute_extractor function has an argument, adapter, that takes the name of the adapter as an input and causes the parsing operation to run the adapter after parsing. The run_all_extractors function also has arguments (e.g., adapter_map) that associate each extractor with the adapter needed to run after parsing.

As an example, we will demonstrate an adapter that comes packaged with Scythe: scythe.adapters.base.SerializeAdapter The serialize adapter is registered using stevedore as the name “serialize”. To use it after all extractors:

from scythe.utils.interface import run_all_extractors
gen = run_all_extractors('.', default_adapter='serialize')

Implementing Adapters

Any new adapters must inherit from the BaseAdapter class defined above. You only need implement the transform operation.

Once the adapter is implemented, you need to put it in a project that is installable via pip. See [python docs]( for a detailed tutorial or copy the structure used by the MDF’s adapter library.

Then, register the adapter with stevedore by adding it as an entry point in your project’s or pyproject.toml file. See the stevedore documentation for more detail. We recommend using the same name for a adapter as the extractor it is designed for so that scythe can auto-detect the adapters associated with each extractor.

Examples of Tools Using Scythe

Materials Data Facility: